Keeping Those New Year's Resolutions


New Year’s resolutions are being thrown around right now like the hottest trend of the season. Aren’t they always? And just like a “hot trend” they burn brightly and disappear before reaching any sort of maturity. But…what if this year was different? Who says you can’t actually make a resolution AND keep it? After all, you do something long enough it becomes habit, and after that it becomes a part of your character. Whether it’s teeth related or not, some of us have habits we’d like to renew and others have new habits we’re eager to begin. Which ever side of the spectrum you fall on, here are 5 tips to keep you going in the right direction. 


  1. Even when you’re tired, STICK WITH IT. 
  2. If you can, do the activity with a buddy, having someone who holds you accountable helps you to stick to it! 
  3. Do it at the same time everyday, like in the morning or at night, so it becomes engrained in your everyday schedule. 
  4. Reward yourself when accomplishing your goal in the beginning, whether it’s a nice bath or a warm cup of tea. 
  5. Don’t quit!!

Keeping Your Patients Happy

Without our patients, we wouldn't have a practice. All businesses grow on their ability to keep their customers happy. It's a constant challenge, one that requires patience and skill, but there are some key guideposts into keeping your patients happy, wanting to come back, and sharing your skills with others.

1. Be honest! Simple, but true. People appreciate this more than you know and it will go a long way.

2. Be accessible to your patients. Take their calls. Reply to their emails. People like to know they will be heard and you care about them.

3. Be upfront with your patients about cost and what they owe at their visit. No one likes surprises (especially ones concerning their money!) and being communicative to them will make them trust you more.

4. When your patients come in, take time with them.

5. Follow up with any patients who had a painful procedure. See how they're doing. Get their feedback to improve your process. They will appreciate you reaching out.

6. Return all phone calls as soon as possible! Show your patients how important they are to you.

And the list can keep going on and on! What are some tactics you use to keep your patients or customers happy?

How to Stay Cavity Free

Staying cavity free is something we all hear about, but rarely ever achieve. Like any normal human being, you're going to get a cavity at some point in your life. None of us are perfect. But there are a few simple ways to keep the cavities at bay and have a happy, healthy mouth! But how?

1. Limit your sugar consumption.

2. Use products that contain xylitol. Studies show this sugar will reduce decay by 60-70%.

3. See your dentist every 6 months (you may not like seeing us, but your teeth sure will!).

4. Brush and floss your teeth regularly. I cannot stress this enough. The Airfloss Pro by Philips is a great alternative to floss.

5. Brush your teeth at night with a fluoride or xylitol gel (available from your local dentist).

6. Follow through with any treatment your dentist has suggested. Sometimes not fixing something right away causes more pain and more money. Stay on top of your oral health!